A blog for teachers and learners who love technology

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Massively Multi-player online Role-playing Games - Learn English and play at the same time

Massively Multi-player on-line Role-playing Games An alliance battling a boss monster in Guild Wars 2 Some initial thoughts Throughout this journey of talking about different ICT tools that are capable of promoting ELT in their own unique ways, I wanted to express my thoughts on this video-game...

Monday, 23 March 2015

Wordle - Discover new words by creating Word Clouds

Wordle What is Wordle? Wordle is a free on-line tool that allows you to create word clouds, like the one in the picture above. This can be done by either copy-pasting a whole text or by copying the URL of a web page, including a blog. Depending on how frequent the same words...

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Present.me - An online presentation tool for reflecting our students' speaking tasks

Present.me What is Present.me Present.me is an online tool that enables students as well as teachers to create presentations. What makes this tool special, is the fact that its users can upload or record a video of them doing a presentation, while at the same time...

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Quizlet - A free tool for both learners and teacher who want to learn and teach vocabulary respectively

Quizlet What is quizlet? Quizlet is a free website dedicated to both learners and teachers. Students can use this learning tool to enrich their vocabulary as well as to improve their spelling by creating flashcards, study and play games such as the space race! Teachers, on...

Sunday, 1 March 2015

MoPad - Collaborative writing inside the classroom

MoPad What is MoPad? MoPad is a public pad in which users can collaboratively write a document. What is great about this technology is the fact that the text is synchronized as you type. Therefore, everyone who...

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Aurasma - Can ELT textbooks come to life with this app?

Aurasma What is Aurasma? To begin with Aurasma is a free to use mobile application which is compatible with both Android as well as IOS mobile devices. It enables users to experience augmented reality by aiming the mobile's camera at different images, objects or even places. For example, a...

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Soft Chalk - Creating web based lessons

Soft Chalk What is soft chalk? Soft Chalk is a web lesson builder. In other it is a tool that enables teachers to create digital lessons. Teachers can make use of their own material or they can search through the built-in search engine for materials and put them together to create the lessons....

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Classcraft - Managing the class or playing World of Warcraft?

Classcraft So what is classcraft? This week I am going to present you classcraft. When I visited classcraft's website for the first time, I knew what to expect from this multi-purpose tool. To begin with, classcrafts is a tool that is expected to be used during the class. It is classroom management...

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Voki - Speaking Avatars as a learning tool

Voki - Speaking Avatars What is Voki? Voki is a simple to use tool, which can be accessed through your internet browser. It enables you to create speaking avatars and use them as an effective learning tool. To be able to start using Voki, you need to create a new account. Its main feature,...